BioFach 2008
Die Vorträge der FiBL Forscherinnen und Forscher auf dem BioFach-Kongress 2008 befassten sich unter anderem mit den Themen Rückverfolgbarkeit von Bioprodukten, Klimawandel, Bioweinherstellung, Bio-Babynahrung und die EU-Ökoverordnung. Im Folgenden finden Sie eine Liste aller FiBL Beiträge sowie die Möglichkeit, einzelne Vorträge in der Datenbank Organic Eprints abzurufen.
Donnerstag, 21. Februar 2008
The European Action Plan for Organic Food and Farming
14-16 Uhr Raum St. Petersburg
The European Action Plan for Organic Food and Farming - news and current status of implementation and policy analysis, including information about the ORGAP evaluation toolbox and its application.
- Otto Schmid, FiBL
- Maria Fladl, DG AGRI, European Commission
- Nicolas Lampkin, Aberystwyth University, UK
- Raffaele Zanoli and Daniela Vairo, University (UPM), Italy
- Stephan Dabbert and Christian Eichert, University of Hohenheim, Germany
- Victor Gonzalvez, IFOAM EU Group
- Catherine Rogy, French Ministry of Agriculture, France
Discussion will be chaired by Danièle Tissot, DG Research, European Commission
Möglichkeiten der Kommunikation der Rückverfolgbarkeit von (Öko)-Produkten an den Verbraucher
14-15 Uhr Raum Prag
Welchen Nutzen bringt die Kommunikation von Rückverfolgbarkeit bis hin zum Verbraucher?
Diskussionsrunde unter der Leitung von Jürgen Michalzik, Kommunikationsexperte, JAM Kommunikationsberatung, Deutschland
- Rolf Mäder, FiBL, Deutschland: Einführung in das Thema
- Jörg Große Lochtmann, Bio mit Gesicht GmbH, Deutschland
- Herr Vincent Lipburger, Lödersdorfer Kernölpresse GmbH, Österreich
- Hugo Skoppek, Nature & More Foundation, Niederlande
Sichere Herstellung von Fleisch- und Wurstwaren ohne bzw. mit reduziertem Einsatz von Pökelstoffen
15-16 Uhr Raum Prag
Vorstellung eines Leitfadens für Praktiker.
- Alexander Beck, Büro Lebensmittelkunde & Qualität, Deutschland
- Boris Liebl, FiBL, Deutschland
Organic farming, climate change and sustainability in developing countries
16-18 Uhr Raum Istanbul
Discussion and presentations on: Organic farming and sustainability, soil fertility-building strategies and carbon sequestration, biodiversity and adaptation to climate change, clean development mechanisms and voluntary carbon compensation mechanisms.
Chair: Dr. Urs Niggli, FiBL
- Simon Bolwig, Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS): Airfreight, organic products and Africa
- Salvador Garibay / Lukas Kilcher, FiBL, Switzerland: Organic agriculture and climate change in developing countries
- Alexander Kasterine, International Trade Centre (ITC)
- Johannes Kotschi, Agrecol, Germany: Climate change and the role of biodiversity for adaptation in agriculture
- Manoj Kumar Menon, International Competence Center of Organic Agriculture (ICCOA), India: Climate Change and Organic Farming - an Indian Perspective
- Othmar Schwank, INFRAS, Zürich, Switzerland: The role of the carbon market in transformation of agriculture towards organic and sustainability
FiBL-Pressemitteilung: Wie Klimapolitik nachhaltige Landwirtschaft in Entwicklungsländern fördern könnte
Freitag, 22. Februar 2008
European rules for organic wine - How to ensure harmonisation and regional flexibility?
10-12 Uhr WeinForum Weinhalle 4A
Moderator: Danièle Tissot, DG Research
- Otto Schmid, FIBL, Switzerland: Overview of the project scope and on-going acitivity
- Doris Rauhut, SRI Geisenheim, Germany / Piergiorgio Comuzzo, Udine University, Italy: First year results of the oenological research: quality wine in the respect of the organic concept
- Uwe Hofmann, Ecovin, Germany / Cristina Micheloni, AIAB, Italy: Stakeholders requests and proposals for the eu regulation on organic wine-making
- Monique Jonis, ITAB, France: Indications from the market studies on organic wine
The World of Organic Agriculture: Statistics and Emerging Trends 2008
10-11 Uhr Raum Shanghai
Chair: Angela B. Caudle, IFOAM
- Helga Willer, FiBL, Switzerland: Global organic farming statistics 2008
- Amarjit Sahota, Organic Monitor, UK: The global market for organic food&drink
- Beate Huber, FiBL, Switzerland: Latest developments in the area of organic regulations
Further information
Press release: Organic farming world-wide, continued growth
Retailing organic food in Europe - latest trends (and data) about distribution channels for organic products
14-15.30 Uhr Raum Oslo
Chaired by Tom Vaclavik, Organic Retailers Association (ORA)
- Helga Willer, FiBL, Switzerland: Brief Introduction: Current status of organic farming in Europe
- Markus Rippin, Agromilagro Research, Germany: European organic market data and market trends
- Tom Vaclavik, Organic Retailers Association ORA, Czech Republic: Organic retailer development in Europe and other hot markets for organic retailing
- Toralf Richter, bio Plus, Switzerland: Latest trends in the distribution channels for organic products
- Salvador Garibay, FiBL, Switzerland: Organic retailer development in Latin America
Samstag, 23. Februar 2008
Organic baby food: quality and product range requirements
10-11 Uhr Raum Oslo
Based on a study of consumers and processors within the EU project Core Organic QACCP the discussion addresses what kind of product range and quality is required for organic baby food.
- Ursula Kretzschmar / Kathrin Seidel FiBL, Switzerland
- Raffaele Zanoli, University of Ancona, Italy
- Johannes Kahl, Universität of Kassel, Germany
- Marchela Pandelova, GSF – Forschungszentrum für Umwelt und Gesundheit
The revised EU Regulation - implications for exports to Europe
10-11 Uhr Raum Istanbul
Chair: Beate Huber, FiBL, Switzerland
- Herman Van Boxem, European Commission, Belgium: Importing into the EU - Council Regulation (EEC) No 1991/2006
- Beate Huber, FiBL, Switzerland: The revised EU Regulation: Impacts for the trade and Third Countries
- Otto Schmid, FiBL, Switzerland: Implementation rules, reasons and concerns
Organic certification and quality management
11-13 Uhr Raum Kopenhagen
Challenges, recommendations and measures to strengthen the organic integrity; experts, traders and certifiers analyse the situation and discuss responsibilities of all parties involved.
Presenter: Manon Haccius, Alnatura, Germany
- Beate Huber, FiBL Switzerland
- Achim Spiller, University of Göttingen, Germany
- Jochen Neuendorff, Gesellschaft für Ressourcenschutz (GfRS), Germany
- Peter Lecomte, General Mills/Small Planet Foods, USA
- Katrin Langner, Waren-Verein of Hamburg stock exchange e.V., Germany