Sensory characteristics of organic food: positioning and sensory marketing strategies
13.00 – 14.00, Room Kopenhagen
- Hanna Stolz (FiBL, CH): Consumer attitudes and expectation towards sensory characteristics of organic food
- Tim Obermove (Universität Göttingen, D): Target groups for sensory-based marketing of organic products
- Kirsten Buchecker (ttz Bremerhaven, D): Sensory preferences - organic food marketing opportunities and challenges
Prevention of Fraud
13.00 – 14.00, Room Istanbul
Results of the Anti-Fraud Initiative meetings in the US, Italy and Brussels.
- Beate Huber (FiBL, CH)
- Jochen Neuendorff (AFI, GfRS, D): Introduction and overall assessment
- Arthur Neal, (US Department of Agriculture, NOP, US): Importance of fraud prevention
- Caroline Pottier (DG Agri, EU): The new import rules – contribution to safeguarding organic integrity
- Fabrizio Piva (Federbio, CCPB, IT): Fostering organic integrity in Italy
- Bo van Elzakker (AFI, LBI/Agroeco, NL): Best practices in trade and certification
IFOAM's climate strategy
15.00 – 17.00, Room Oslo
Comprehensive strategies to effectively respond to climate change threats and opportunities
- Marco Schlüter (IFOAM EU group)
- Markus Arbenz (IFOAM)
- Urs Niggli (FiBL, CH)
Addressing nanotechnologies in organic standards and regulations
17.00 – 18.00, Room Oslo
Should nanotechnology and nanoparticles be allowed or prohibited in organic production and under what conditions?
- Andre Leu (IFOAM)
- Francis Blake (Soil Association, UK)
- Bernadette Oehen (FiBL, CH)
- John Paul (University of Oxford, UK)
- Tracy Miedema (National Organic Standard Board, US)
Sustainability Assessment of organic production
10:00 - 12:00, Room Kopenhagen
Trends in certification, advisory services, and communication to consumers
- Andreas Gattinger (FiBL, CH)
- Christian Schader (FiBL, CH)
- Paolo Foglia (ICEA, IT)
- Andreas Thommen (FiBL, CH)
Fair Trade Konzepte im Norden
14:00 - 16:00, Room Shanghai
Überblick & Praxisbeispiele
- Otto Schmid (FiBL, CH)
- Martina Schäfer (Center for Technology and Society TU Berlin, D)
- Jörg Schumacher (Bio Suisse, CH)
- Anke Schekahn (Verein 'Bestes Bio - Fair für alle', D)
- Dorothée Meyer (Association Bio Partenaire)
- Elke Röder (BNN Herstellung und Handel e.V., D)
The World of Organic Agriculture: Statistics and Emerging Trends 2010
10.00 – 11.00, Room St. Petersburg
Latest statistics and market data on organic agriculture worldwide
- Markus Arbenz (IFOAM, D)
- Alexander Kasterine (ITC)
- Helga Willer (FiBL, CH): Results of the survey on organic agriculture
- Amarjit Sahota (Organic Monitor, UK): Global organic food and drink market
- Beate Huber (FiBL, CH): Regulations and certification trends
Alternativen zum Einsatz von Zusatzstoffen in der Verarbeitung von biologischen Lebensmitteln
10.00 – 12.00, Room Riga
46 Zusatzstoffe für Bio-Produkte, zuviel, zuwenig oder gerade richtig? Welche Alternativen gibt es, wohin soll die Reise gehen?
- Alex Beck (Aoel, D)
- Ursula Kretzschmar (FiBL, CH)
- Boris Liebl (FiBL, D)
- Kathrin Seidel (FiBL, CH)
Bio-Importe nach Deutschland
12.00 – 13. 00, Room Riga
Wie viele Bio-Rohstoffe und Frischeprodukte werden nach Deutschland importiert und aus welchen Ländern kommen die Bio-Importe?
- Diana Schaack (AMI, D) und Markus Rippin (Agromilagro research, D): Bio-Importe nach Deutschland: Wie viele Bio-Rohstoffe und Frischeprodukte werden nach Deutschland importiert? (vorläufige Auswertung)
Organiser:AgrarmarktInformations-Gesellschaft (AMI)
Further information:
The European Market for Organic Food
13.00 – 15.00, Room Istanbul
Statistics, market and trade updates for all European countries, special focus on: Germany, UK and Central and Eastern European Countries
- Tom Václavík (Green marketing, CZ)
13.00 – 15.00 Uhr, Raum Istanbul
Statistics, market and trade updates for all European countries, special focus on: Germany, UK and Central and Eastern European Countries
- Katrin Zander, University of Kassel
- Helga Willer (FiBL, CH): Europe: Organic Agriculture in Europe 2009: Production and Market
- Burkhard Schaer (EKOZEPT, D/FR): A glimpse on organic markets
in Eastern Europe - Markus Rippin (Agromilagro research, D): Organic imports to Germany
estimation of imports according to origin and commodity - Diana Schaack (AMI, D): The German Organic Market 2010
- Anais Rifford, Agence Bio: The organic market in France
- Susanne Padel (ORC, UK):The UK Market for organic food
Nachhaltigkeitsorientierung - Kür oder Pflicht?
13.00 – 14.30, Room Prag
Die Verbraucher erwarten von Bio-Lebensmitteln, dass diesebezüglich Nachhaltigkeit höchsten Anforderungen gerecht werden. Die Veranstaltung geht der Frage nach, wie Verarbeitungsbetriebe dies in der Praxis umsetzen? Welche Vorgaben oder Hilfestellungen bieten die Bio-Verbände oder das Bundesumweltamt? Innovative Verarbeitungsbetriebe stellen ihre Nachhaltigkeitsstrategien vor.
- Alexander Beck (AOEL, D)
- Kathrin Seidel (FiBL, CH): Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung der Verarbeitung von Biolebensmitteln in der Schweiz: Welche Auswirkungen haben die Verbandsregelungen auf die Nachhaltigkeit?
- Joachim Wieting (Wissenschaftlicher Oberrat a.D. UBA, D): Die BVT-Merkblätter des Bundesumweltamts – ein Werkzeug, um die Produktionsmethoden ökologischer zu gestalten, Emissionen zu reduzieren und ökonomisch rentabel zu produzieren
- Renate Dylla (AOEL, D): Informationen zum AK Umwelt des AOEL
Nachhaltigkeitsbeispiele aus der Praxis - Katja Pampel (Märkisches Landbrot GmbH, D): PCF der Bäckerei Märkisches Landbrot
- Thomas Weiss (Neumarkter Lammsbräu Gebr. Ehrnsperger e.K., D): Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie der Neumarkter Lammsbräu
How to deal with products derived by nano-technology in organic food production
14.00 – 15.30, Room NN
Panel discussion with some introcuctory notes
- Klaus-Peter Wilbois (FiBL, D)
- Bernadettte Oehen (FiBL, CH)
Implementation Action Plan: A focus on innovation in the organic sector
11.00 – 12. 00, Room Riga
- Anamarija Slabe, European Environmental Bureau (EEB)
- Marco Schlüter (IFOAM EU group), Eduardo Cuoco (TP Organics): TP Organics Introduction
- Susanne Padel (ORC, UK): Implementation Action Plan
- Urs Niggli (FiBL, CH): Organic food and farming in the next Framework programme
- Otto Schmid (FiBL, CH): Organic Agriculture and (other) Bio-Economy
Organiser: TP Organics
Further information
Importing to the EU - regulatory possibilities and obstacles
12.00 – 13. 00, Room Istanbul
- Camilla Mikkelsen (IFOAM EU Group)
- Beate Huber (FiBL, CH): The EU Import Rules for Organic Products
- Jim Pierce (Oregon Tilth Certified Organic, US)
Organic beekeeping and market trends
12.00 – 13.30, Room Riga (in English)
Organic beekeeping represents a great possibility for farmer cooperatives and family-run companies to increase their income. However, due to a number of constraints (production, certification, quality, etc.) hindering the expansion of organic beekeeping worldwide, the demand for organic beekeeping products such as honey and wax cannot be met. The aim of this workshop is to inform and discuss the current situation of production and market trends of organic beekeeping products.
- Salvador Garibay (FiBL, CH): General organic beekeeping data and market trends
- Peter Ganz/Manfred Fürst, (Naturland, D): Organic beekeeping in Mexico
- Hugo Valdez, (Cooperativa sin Fronteras): Cooperativa sin fronteras – a success story
- Bernadette Oehen, (FiBL, CH): GMO and organic beekeeping
- Ulrich Bröcker, (APICON): Certification, traceability, EU Import Regulation
The organic solution to climate change
13.00 – 15.00 Uhr, Room St. Petersburg (in English)
Biosequestration and Living Soils
- Helmy Abouleish (Sekem Group Egypt)
- Urs Niggli (FiBL CH)
- Tobias Bandel (Soil & More International BV, NL)
- Andre Leu (tbc) (Organic Federation of Australia, AUS)
- Herbert Girardet (World Future Council Foundation, D)