At the BioFach Congress FiBL’s researchers gave a diverse array of technical lectures. The subjects reached from vine, nanotechnology, ethics and additives to research visions, market development and quality assurance. On this page you will find a list of all FiBL presetantions. Several presentations can be downloaded from the internet datatbase Organic Eprints.
Zusatzstoffliste für die ökologische Lebensmittelwirtschaft
12.00 - 13.00, Room Budapest
- Rolf Mäder, FiBL: Zusatzstoffliste für die Ökologische Lebensmittelwirtschaft
- Boris Liebl, FiBL
- Dr. Alexander Beck, Beratungsbüro "Lebensmittelkunde & Qualität"
The new Organic Import Regime in the EU
14.00 - 15.00, Room Shanghai
What will the new import regime for organic produces mean for trade and harmonization?
- Camilla Mikkelsen, IFOAM EU Group
- Francis Blake, IFOAM EU Group
- Beate Huber, FiBL: The EU import rules: A move towards more harmonization?
- Herman van Boxem, European Commission - AGRI - Organic Farming
WeinForum: BioWein in Europa und Trends und Entwicklungen insbesondere für Deutschland
14.00 - 15.00, Hall 4A
- Helga Willer, FiBL: Ökologischer Weinbau in Europa und weltweit
- Wolfram Römmelt, Vinosum - Die Weinschule: Bio-Wein in Europa und der der deutsche Markt
- Otto Schmid, FiBL: Charakteristika Bio-Weinproduktion und Weinvermarktung. Sichtweisen von Bio-Weinproduzenten, Händlern und KonsumentInnen in Europa
Deutschland braucht Bio-Bauern
15.00 - 16.00, Room Istanbul
Initiativen zur Sicherung der heimischen Versorgung des Bio-Marktes stellen sich vor und werden von Marktpartnern reflektiert; die Bio-Offensive - regionale Projekte in Niedersachsen und Unterfranken.
- Robert Hermanowski, FiBL
- Jan Plagge, Bioland e.V.
- Ulrich Prolingheuer, Kompetenzzentrum Ökolandbau Niedersachsen (KÖN)
- Paul Söbbeke, Molkerei Söbbeke GmbH & Co. KG
- Amos Ramsauer, Biokorntakt GmbH & Co. KG, Erzeugergemeinschaft
WeinForum: EU Organic Wine Regulation: conclusions from the ORWINE project
15.00 - 16.30, Hall 4A
Results recommendations and conclusions, status quo and next steps towards an EU organic wine regulation
- Danièle Tissot, European Commission DG Research
- Otto Schmid, FiBL
- Maria Fladl, DG AGRI, European Commission: The new regulation on organic farming
- Monique Jonis, ITAB: ORWINE project contribution to a regulatory proposal on organic wine making
- Dr. Uwe Hofmann, ECOVIN Bundesverband Ökologischer Weinbau e.V.: Code of good organic viticulture and wine making
- Cristina Micheloni, Associazione Italiana per l'Agricoltura Biologica (AIAB): Stakeholders opinions and scientific evidences: how to combine them?
Nanotechnology in Organic Food Production with a focus on packaging
16.00 - 17.30, Room Budapest
In line with the principles of organic agriculture - potential, benefits and risks of nanotechnology applications in food packaging.
- Klaus-Peter Wilbois, FiBL: Facts about nanaotechnology
- Bernhard Speiser, FiBL: How to Evaluate Applications of Nanotechnology in the Organic Food Industry
- Sven Sängerlaub, Fraunhofer-Institut für Verfahrenstechnik und Verpackung: Applications of Nanotechnology in Packaging
- Guido Frölich, tegut... Gutberlet Stiftung & Co.: Nanotechnology in Packaging from a Retailer’s Perspective
The World of Organic Agriculture
10.00 - 11.00, Room Shanghai
Statistics and Emerging Trends 2009, markets and legislation update.
- Louise W.M. Luttikholt, International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements
- Helga Willer, FiBL: The main results of the global organic survey 2009 (see also
- Amarjit Sahota, Organic Monitor: The global market for organic food & drink
- Beate Huber, FiBL: Regulations and Certification Emerging Trends 2009
Fair & Ethical TradeForum: Fairness and social responsibility trade concepts in the north
11.00 - 12.30, Room Seoul
How is fair and social responsibility implemented in organic enterprises in Europe and in the US?
- Otto Schmid, FiBL
- Astrid Engel, Münchner Projektgruppe für Sozialforschung e.V. (MPS): Fairness and Social Responsibility:How are they implemented in Organic Enterprises in Europe and in the US?
- Christian Eichert / Evelyn Mayer, Universität Hohenheim and FH Eberswalde: Existing and Potential Approaches for Fair Pricing in Domestic Fair Trade
- Joachim Weckmann, Martina Schäfer, Axel Wirz, Märkisches Landbrot GmbH: fair & regional Charter for the Organic Sector in Berlin-Brandenburg
- Markus Schermer / Sonja Tumler, Universität Innsbruck: Possible Indicators for Social Sustainability and Fairness in Organic Agriculture
- Kerry Maegan Hughes, Institute for Marketecology, IMO contact USA: Domestic Fair Trade, concepts and Ideas from the US
The European Market for Organic Food and Drink
14.00 - 15.30, Room St. Petersburg
- Helga Willer, FiBL: Organic Agriculture in Europe
- Toralf Richter, BioPlus AG: Trends in Organic Retailing 2008
- Markus Rippin, Agromilagro research: Organic market Data for 2007/2008
- Tom Vaclavik, Organic Retailer's Association: Specialised Organic Retail Report Europe 2008
- Salvador Garibay, FiBL: Organic market Development in Latin America
Developing the TP Organics Strategic Research Agenda
9.00 - 11.00
Kick off Workshop of the new Technology Platform "Organics". (Only invited people. For details please visit
Organic farming to mitigate Climate Change
11.00 - 13.00, Room Shanghai
ICROFS in cooperation with Denmark – Country of the year, FiBL and IFOAM AgroBioMediterranean address the topic from different regional perspectives.
- Urs Niggli, FiBL
- Thomas Harttung, Aarstiderne A/S: A business model for crediting Organic Agriculture for carbon sequestration
- Michael Tersbøl, Organic Denmark: Organic Denmark Strategies for mobilizing organic farmers’ climate commitment – the Danish case
- Jonathan Castro, CEDECO Corporación Educativa para el Desarrollo Costarricense: Climate change and Carbon sequestration, Experiences in Latin America
- Manuel Amador, CEDECO Corporación Educativa para el Desarrollo Costarricense: Payments for the Environmental Services of Organic Agriculture, possible ways
- Charikleia Minotou, IFOAM AgriBioMediterraneo: A Mediterranean action plan for Climate Change mitigation through Organic Farming
- Victor Gonzalvez, SEAE: Cultiva tu clima! An example of an information campaign about Climate Change mitigation through Organic Farming in the Mediterranean
Organic Sensory Information System – a European project that cares about organic taste
12.00 - 13.00, Room Oslo
- Gabriela Wyss, FiBL
- Kirsten Buchecker, ttz Bremerhaven
- Achim Spiller, Georg-August Universität Göttingen
- Otto Schmid, FiBL
- Elke Röder, BNN-Herstellung und Handel e.V.
A vision on Organic Research to develop the Organic Sector and identify major key challenges
13.00 - 14.00, Room Oslo
Presentation and discussion of the organic research vision "Organics" headed by IFOAM EU Group and ISOFAR
- Marco Schlüter, IFOAM EU Group
- Jiri Urban, Vice Agriculture Minister of EU Presidency
- Urs Niggli, FiBL
Qualitätssicherung von Ökogemüse im Zeitalter der Gentechnik
15.00 - 16.30, Room Prag
Diskussion der Fragestellung welche Saatgutqualitäten für Ökogemüse geeignet sind: Vereinbarkeit bestimmter molekularbiologischer Pflanzenzuchtmethoden mit dem Qualitätsverständnis des Ökolandbaus – welchen Beitrag können Anbauer, Handel und Verarbeitung zur Qualitätssicherung leisten?
- Klaus-Peter Wilbois, FiBL: Saatgutverwendung im Biolandbau
- Klaus-Peter Wilbois, FiBL: Molekularbiologische Züchtungsmethoden und die Prinzipien des Biolandbaus
- Rudolf Regnat, Forschungsring e.V.